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Version: 0.2.4

CLI options

Configure your Devnet instance by specifying CLI parameters on startup. To read more about HTTP and logging configuration, check out the server config page.


Check out all the options with:

$ starknet-devnet --help

Or if using dockerized Devnet:

$ docker run --rm shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs --help

Environment variables

Every CLI option can also be specified via an environment variable:

$ <VAR1>=<VALUE> <VAR2>=<VALUE> starknet-devnet

To see the exact variable names, use --help.


If both a CLI argument and an environment variable are passed for a parameter, the CLI argument takes precedence. If none are provided, the default value is used. E.g. if running Devnet with the following command, seed value 42 will be used:

$ SEED=10 starknet-devnet --seed 42


If using dockerized Devnet, specify the variables like this:

$ docker run \
-e <VAR1>=<VALUE> \
-e <VAR2>=<VALUE> \
... \

Load configuration from a file

If providing many configuration parameters in a single command becomes cumbersome, consider loading them from a file. By relying on environment variables, prepare your configuration in a file like this:

export SEED=42
export ACCOUNTS=3

Assuming the file is called .my-env-file, then run:

$ source .my-env-file && starknet-devnet

To run in a subshell and prevent environment pollution (i.e. to unset the variables after Devnet exits), use parentheses:

$ ( source .my-env-file && starknet-devnet )


To load environment variables from .my-env-file with Docker, remove the export part in each line to have the file look like this:


Then run:

$ docker run --env-file .my-env-file shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs