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Version: 0.1.2

CLI options

Configure your Devnet instance by specifying CLI parameters on startup.


Check out all the options with:

$ starknet-devnet --help

Or if using dockerized Devnet:

$ docker run --rm shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs --help

Environment variables

Every CLI option can also be specified via an environment variable:

$ <VAR1>=<VALUE> <VAR2>=<VALUE> starknet-devnet

To see the exact variable names, use --help.


If both a CLI argument and an environment variable are passed for a parameter, the CLI argument takes precedence. If none are provided, the default value is used. E.g. if running Devnet with the following command, seed value 42 will be used:

$ SEED=10 starknet-devnet --seed 42


If using dockerized Devnet, specify the variables like this:

$ docker run \
-e <VAR1>=<VALUE> \
-e <VAR2>=<VALUE> \
... \

Load configuration from a file

If providing many configuration parameters in a single command becomes cumbersome, consider loading them from a file. By relying on environment variables, prepare your configuration in a file like this:

export SEED=42
export ACCOUNTS=3

Assuming the file is called .my-env-file, then run:

$ source .my-env-file && starknet-devnet

To run in a subshell and prevent environment pollution (i.e. to unset the variables after Devnet exits), use parentheses:

$ ( source .my-env-file && starknet-devnet )


To load environment variables from .my-env-file with Docker, remove the export part in each line to have the file look like this:


Then run:

$ docker run --env-file .my-env-file shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs