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Version: 0.2.4

Account balance

Other than using prefunded predeployed accounts, you can also add funds to an account that you deployed yourself.

Separate tokens use separate ERC20 contracts for minting and charging fees. These are the token contracts predeployed by Devnet and the addresses where they are located:

  • ETH: 0x49d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7
  • STRK: 0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d

Mint token - Local faucet

By sending a POST request to /mint or JSON-RPC request with method name devnet_mint for a token, you initiate a transaction on that token's ERC20 contract. The response contains the hash of this transaction, as well as the new balance after minting. The token is specified by providing the unit, and defaults to WEI.

The value of amount is in WEI or FRI. The precision is preserved if specifying an integer or a float whose fractional part is zero (e.g. 1000.0, 1e21). If the fractional part is non-zero, the amount is truncated to the nearest integer (e.g. 3.9 becomes 3 and 1.23e1 becomes 12).

POST /mint
"address": "0x6e3205f...",
"amount": 500000,
"unit": "WEI" | "FRI"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "1",
"method": "devnet_mint",
"params": {
"address": "0x6e3205f...",
"amount": 500000,
"unit": "WEI" | "FRI"


"new_balance": 500000,
"unit": "WEI" | "FRI",
"tx_hash": "0xa24f23..."

Check balance

Check the balance of an address by sending a GET request to /account_balance. The address should be a 0x-prefixed hex string; unit defaults to WEI and block_tag to latest.

GET /account_balance?address=<ADDRESS>[&unit=<FRI|WEI>][&block_tag=<latest|pending>]
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "1",
"method": "devnet_getAccountBalance",
"params": {
"address": "0x6e3205f...",
"unit": "WEI" | "FRI",
"block_tag": "latest" | "pending"