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Version: 0.2.0

Restrictive mode

The --restrictive-mode argument enables a restrictive mode for Devnet, allowing you to specify methods that are forbidden during execution. This option ensures that certain operations are restricted, enhancing control over Devnet's behavior. When a user sends a request to one of the restricted methods, Devnet will return either a JSON-RPC error with code -32604 or, if the method was targeted directly via the HTTP endpoint, a response with status 403.

Default restricted methods

When no methods are specified, the following default methods will be restricted and their HTTP endpoints counterparts (if any):

  • devnet_mint
  • devnet_load
  • devnet_restart
  • devnet_createBlock
  • devnet_abortBlocks
  • devnet_impersonateAccount
  • devnet_autoImpersonate
  • devnet_getPredeployedAccounts


With default methods

$ starknet-devnet --restrictive-mode

With a list of methods

Note! Devnet will fail to start if any of the methods/routes is misspelled.

$ starknet-devnet --restrictive-mode devnet_dump devnet_config