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Version: 0.2.4


Difference disclaimer
  • Devnet should not be used as a replacement for official testnets. After testing on Devnet, be sure to test on a testnet (alpha-sepolia)!
  • Block states are not committed in a Merke-Patricia trie or a similar tree-like structure. Block roots are therefore set to 0.
  • The semantics of REJECTED and REVERTED status of a transaction is not the same as on the official testnet:
Tx statusOfficial testnetDevnet
REJECTEDvalidation failed; not included in a blocknot used
REVERTEDvalidation passed but execution failed; included in a blockvalidation or execution failed; not included in a block*

*: dummy zeroes (0) in tx info for block number and tx index

You may now proceed with running Devnet and checking out the multitude of features listed in the sidebar on the left.


As mentioned here, "Starknet currently has a number of limits in place in order to keep the network stable and optimized for the best performance." Devnet uses the limits defined on that page and, for block-level limits, values defined here (provided by the Blockifier team). The block-level limits are considered only when executing transactions, not when constructing the blocks themselves. I.e. if a transaction's usage of a resource exceeds its defined block-level limit, it will be reverted; but if the cumulative usage of all transactions in a block of one resource exceeds the block limit, the block will still be generated.