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Starknet Hardhat Plugin

npm package

If you've used Hardhat 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️ and want to develop for Starknet starknet, this plugin might come in hand. If you've never set up a Hardhat project, check out this guide.



npm i @shardlabs/starknet-hardhat-plugin --save-dev

For the latest unstable version, use

npm i @shardlabs/starknet-hardhat-plugin@alpha --save-dev

Add the following line to the top of your hardhat.config.ts (or hardhat.config.js):

import "@shardlabs/starknet-hardhat-plugin";
// or


This plugin was tested with:

  • Node.js v14.17.3
  • npm/npx v7.19.1
  • Docker v20.10.8 (optional):
    • Since plugin version 0.3.4, Docker is no longer necessary if you opt for a Python environment (more info in Config).
    • If you opt for the containerized version, make sure you have a running Docker daemon.
    • If you're experiencing Docker access issues, check this.
  • Linux / macOS:
    • On Windows, we recommend using WSL 2 with Docker instance installed on WSL 2 instead of using Docker Desktop on your windows. Example installation for Ubuntu can be found here.

CLI commands

This plugin defines the following Hardhat commands (also called tasks):


$ npx hardhat starknet-compile-deprecated [PATH...] [--cairo-path "<LIB_PATH1>:<LIB_PATH2>:..."] [--account-contract] [--disable-hint-validation]

Compiles Starknet Cairo 0 contracts. If no paths are provided, all Starknet contracts in the default contracts directory are compiled. Paths can be files and directories.

--cairo-path allows specifying the locations of imported files, if necessary. Separate them with a colon (:), e.g. --cairo-path='path/to/lib1:path/to/lib2'

--account-contract allows compiling an account contract.

--disable-hint-validation allows compiling a contract without hint validation (any python code is allowed in hints, ex: print ...).


$ npx hardhat starknet-compile [PATH...] [--add-pythonic-hints] [--single-file] [--replace-ids] [--allowed-libfuncs-list-file] [--allowed-libfuncs-list-name] [--cairo1-bin-dir <PATH>]

Compiles Starknet Cairo 1 contracts in the provided path. Paths can be files and directories. Currently, contracts importing other contracts are not supported (until this is supported, you may try to use Scarb and modifying its artifacts to be compatible with this plugin).

Custom local compiler can be specified by providing the path of the directory holding compiler binaries (starknet-compile and starknet-sierra-compile) to --cairo1-bin-dir or to the cairo1BinDir option in your config file. E.g. if your cairo compiler repository is in /path/to/cairo and you built the compiler with cargo build --bin starknet-compile --bin starknet-sierra-compile --release, the path would be /path/to/cairo/target/release.

If neither --cairo1-bin-dir nor cairo1BinDir is set, the plugin will automatically download a compiler version it is adapted to. To download a specific version, set compilerVersion in hardhat.config.ts to a semver string matching one of the official releases.

module.exports = {
starknet: {
// Only one of these properties can be specified.
cairo1BinDir: "/path/to/cairo/target/release/",
compilerVersion: "1.1.1"

Other CLI options are the same as in the native Cairo compiler.

To build more complex Cairo 1 projects, read about hardhat starknet-build.


$ npx hardhat starknet-build [PATH...] [--scarb-command <STRING>] [--skip-validate]

Builds Scarb projects.

Each of the provided paths is recursively looked into while searching for Scarb projects. If no paths are provided, the default contracts directory is traversed.

Each project must be a valid Scarb project with lib.cairo and Scarb.toml in its root. The toml file must have sierra and casm set to true under [[target.starknet-contract]]. If you know what you are doing, you can skip the validation by providing --skip-validate.

In code, load the generated contracts with an underscore-separated string:


E.g. if your toml specifies name = MyPackage and there is a contract called FooContract in your source files, you would load it with:

// alternatively prepend the directory name to avoid ambiguity, but be sure to apply the underscore syntax

The name of the file where the contract was defined doesn't play a role.

The plugin doesn't have a default Scarb command yet. You need to provide a scarbCommand (either an exact command or the path to it) under starknet in your hardhat config file, or you can override that via --scarb-command <COMMAND>.


$ npx hardhat starknet-verify [--starknet-network <NAME>] [--path <PATH>] [<DEPENDENCY_PATH> ...] [--address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>] [--compiler-version <COMPILER_VERSION>] [--license <LICENSE_SCHEME>] [--contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME>] [--account-contract]

Queries Voyager to verify the contract deployed at <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> using the source files at <PATH> and any number of <DEPENDENCY_PATH>.

Like in the previous command, this plugin relies on --starknet-network, but will default to 'alphaGoerli' network in case this parameter is not passed.

The verifier expects <COMPILER_VERSION> to be passed on request. Supported compiler versions are listed here in the dropdown menu.

We pass --account-contract to tell the verifier that the contract is of type account.

For <LICENSE_SCHEME> the command takes No License (None) as default license scheme. Here is a list of available options.


$ npx hardhat starknet-plugin-version

Prints the version of the plugin.


Using --starknet-network with hardhat run currently does not have effect. Use the network property of the starknet object in your hardhat config file.


$ npx hardhat amarna

Runs Amarna, the static-analyzer and linter for Cairo, in a Docker container. The output from amarna goes in out.sarif file. Use flag --script to run custom ./ file to use Amarna with custom rules and args.

You need to have Docker installed and running to use hardhat amarna.


Introduces the --starknet-network option to the existing hardhat test task.


Adding this plugin to your project expands Hardhat's runtime with a starknet object. It can be imported with:

import { starknet } from "hardhat";
// or
const starknet = require("hardhat").starknet;

To see all the utilities introduced by the starknet object, check this out.


Relying on the above described API makes it easier to interact with your contracts and test them.

To test Starknet contracts with Mocha, use the regular Hardhat test task which expects test files in your designated test directory:

$ npx hardhat test

Read more about the network used in tests in the Runtime network section. These examples are inspired by the official Starknet Python tutorial.

Important notes

  • BigInt is used because felt may be too big for javascript. Use it like BigInt("10") or, since ES2020, like 10n.
  • All function names, argument names and return value names should be referred to by the names specified in contract source files.
  • The argument of getContractFactory is the name or the path of the source of the target contract:
    • if providing a path, it should be relative to the project root or the contracts directory:
      • getContractFactory("contracts/subdir/MyContract.cairo")
      • getContractFactory("subdir/MyContract.cairo")
    • the extension can be omitted:
      • getContractFactory("subdir/MyContract")
      • getContractFactory("MyContract")
  • Nested arrays are currently not supported (eg. core::array::Array::<core::array::Array<felt252>>)

Test examples


import { expect } from "chai";
import { starknet } from "hardhat";
// or
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const starknet = require("hardhat").starknet;

describe("My Test", function () {
this.timeout(...); // Recommended to use a big value if interacting with Alpha Goerli

Deploy / load contract

* Assumes there is a file MyContract.cairo whose compilation artifacts have been generated.
* The contract is assumed to have:
* - constructor function constructor(initial_balance: felt)
* - external function increase_balance(amount: felt) -> (res: felt)
* - view function get_balance() -> (res: felt)
it("should load a previously deployed contract", async function () {
const contractFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory("MyContract");
const contract = contractFactory.getContractAt("0x123..."); // address of a previously deployed contract

it("should declare class and deploy", async function() {
// not compatible with accounts deployed with Starknet CLI
const account = await starknet.OpenZeppelinAccount.getAccountFromAddress(...);
const contractFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory("MyContract");
// will call declare version 2 if contract is cairo 1
const txHash = await account.declare(contractFactory); // class declaration
const classHash = await contractFactory.getClassHash();

const constructorArgs = { initial_balance: 0 };
const options = { maxFee: ... };
// implicitly invokes UDC
const contract = await account.deploy(contractFactory, constructorArgs, options);


* The contract is assumed to have:
* - view function sum_array(a_len: felt, a: felt*) -> (res: felt)
it("should work with arrays", async function () {
const contract = ...;
// you don't have to specify the array length separately
const { res } = await"sum_array", { a: [1, 2, 3] });


* The contract is assumed to have:
* - view function sum_pair(pair: (felt, felt)) -> (res : felt)
* - view func sum_named_pair(pair : (x : felt, y : felt) -> (res : felt)
* - using PairAlias = (x : felt, y : felt)
* - view func sum_type_alias(pair : PairAlias) -> (res : felt)
it("should work with tuples", async function () {
const contract = ...;
// notice how the pair tuple is passed as javascript array
const { res } = await"sum_pair", { pair: [10, 20] });
... = await"sum_named_pair", { pair: { x: 10, y: 20 } });
... = await"sum_type_alias", { pair: { x: 10, y: 20 } });

Fee estimation

it("should estimate fee", async function () {
const account = await starknet.OpenZeppelinAccount.createAccount({
salt: "0x42",

const estimatedFee = await account.estimateDeployAccountFee();
await account.deployAccount(); // computes max fee implicitly

// Every fee estimation returns an object with gas information

const contractFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory("contract");
const declareFee = await account.estimateDeclareFee(contractFactory);
await account.declare(contractFactory); // computes max fee implicitly

const deployFee = await account.estimateDeployFee(contractFactory);
const contract = await account.deploy(contractFactory); // computes max fee implicitly

const invokeFee = await account.estimateFee(contract, "method", { arg1: 10n });
await account.invoke(contract, "method", { arg1: 10n }); // computes max fee implicitly

// computes message estimate fee
const estimatedMessageFee = await l2contract.estimateMessageFee("deposit", {
from_address: L1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
amount: 123,
user: 1

Delegate Proxy

it("should forward to the implementation contract", async function () {
const implementationFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory("contract");
const account = ...;
const txHash = await account.declare(implementationFactory);
const implementationClassHash = await implementationFactory.getClassHash();

const proxyFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory("delegate_proxy");
await account.declare(proxyFactory);
const proxy = await account.deploy(proxyFactory, {
implementation_hash_: implementationClassHash

const { res: initialProxyBalance } = await"get_balance");

Transaction information and receipt with events

it("should return transaction data and transaction receipt", async function () {
const contract: StarknetContract = ...;
console.log("Deployment transaction hash:", contract.deployTxHash);

const transaction = await starknet.getTransaction(contract.deployTxHash);

const account = ...;
const txHash = await account.invoke(contract, "increase_balance", { amount: 10 });

const receipt = await starknet.getTransactionReceipt(txHash);
const decodedEvents = contract.decodeEvents(;

const txTrace = await starknet.getTransactionTrace(txHash);
// decodedEvents contains hex data array converted to a structured object
// { name: "increase_balance_called", data: { current_balance: 0n, amount: 10n } }

For more usage examples, including tuple, array and struct support check sample-test.ts of starknet-hardhat-example.

Devnet examples

L1-L2 communication (Postman message exchange with Devnet)

Exchanging messages between L1 (Ganache, Hardhat node, Ethereum testnet) and L2 (only supported for starknet-devnet) can be done using this plugin:

  • Ensure there is an available L1 network and that you know its RPC endpoint URL.
  • Load an L1 Messaging contract using starknet.devnet.loadL1MessagingContract.
  • Call starknet.devnet.flush after you invoke your contract and want to propagate your message.
  • When running a hardhat test or script which relies on network["config"], specify the name of an L1 network you defined in hardhat.config. Use npx hardhat test --network <NETWORK_NAME>. Network localhost is predefined in hardhat so --network localhost should work if you're using e.g. npx hardhat node as the L1 network.
  • Check this example for more info.
  it("should exchange messages with Devnet", async function() {
await starknet.devnet.loadL1MessagingContract(...);

// Exact syntax may vary depending on your L1 contract interaction library
const l1contract = ...;
const l2contract = ...;

// If the L1 function is expected to send a message to L2,
// it needs to be paid for by providing some value to the transaction
await l1contract.send(..., {
value: 1000 // pay for L1->L2 message
await starknet.devnet.flush();

const account = ...;
await account.invoke(l2contract, ...);
await starknet.devnet.flush();

Mock message between L1 and L2

To send mock messages between L1 and L2 the following two functions can be used. Detailed example can be found here.

starknet.devnet.sendMessageToL2(...); // Sends message to L2
starknet.devnet.consumeMessageFromL2(...); // Sends message from L2 to L1


Devnet can be restarted by calling starknet.devnet.restart(). All of the deployed contracts, blocks and storage updates will be restarted to the empty state.

await starknet.devnet.restart();


Use starknet.devnet.dump() to maintain the Devnet instance from the plugin.

await starknet.devnet.dump(path); // path to dump file (eg. dump.pkl)


Dumped Devnet instance can be loaded using starknet.devnet.load().

await starknet.devnet.load(path); // path for dump file (eg. dump.pkl)

Advancing time

The plugin comes with support for Devnet's timestamp management. The time offset for each generated block can be increased by calling starknet.devnet.increaseTime(). The time for the next block can be set by calling starknet.devnet.setTime(), with subsequent blocks keeping the set offset.

Warning: block time can be set in the past and lead to unexpected behaviour!

await starknet.devnet.setTime(1000); // time in seconds
await starknet.devnet.increaseTime(1000); // time in seconds

Creating an empty block

Devnet offers empty block creation. It can be useful to make available those changes that take effect with the next block.

const emptyBlock = await starknet.devnet.createBlock();

Mint tokens to an account

Devnet allows minting token. You can call like this

const lite_mode = true; // Optional, Default true
await, 2e12, lite_mode);

Debugging contracts

To debug Starknet contracts, you can use print() in cairo hints in your contract, and the printed lines will appear in Devnet's log.

Compile with --disable-hint-validation flag to allow hints.

hardhat starknet-compile-deprecated --disable-hint-validation

For example, when calling the following increase_balance with input 25.

func increase_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
amount: felt
) {
let (res) =;
%{ print( "Adding balance..." ) %}
%{ print( ids.res ) %}
balance.write(res + amount);
let (afterUpdate) =;
%{ print( ids.afterUpdate ) %}
return ();

Devnet logs look like this,

Adding balance...

If you want to have your debug lines printed in the same terminal as your hardhat script/test, use integrated-devnet with stdout set to "STDOUT" as documented in runtime network section.

Configure the plugin

Specify custom configuration by editing your project's hardhat.config.ts (or hardhat.config.js).

Cairo 0 compilation

Cairo 0 compilation is by default done using the latest stable Dockerized compiler. If you want to use an older Cairo 0 compiler, specify the full semver string (available versions):

module.exports = {
starknet: {
// Docker image tailored to the machine is pulled. If not applied, the `-arm` suffix is applied to the version name if on an arm64 machine.
dockerizedVersion: "0.11.2"

If you cannot use Docker (e.g. on Mac), you'll need to have the cairo-lang Python package installed locally and python3 command runnable. Use one of the following:

module.exports = {
starknet: {
// venv: "active" <- for the active virtual environment or global environment
// venv: "path/to/my-venv" <- for env created with e.g. `python -m venv path/to/my-venv`
// Python virtual environment can be created with: pyenv, poetry, conda, miniconda, ...
venv: "<VENV_PATH>"

Building Cairo 1 projects

This plugin comes with a Scarb wrapper. Read about how to use it in this section. If not via CLI, you may specify the Scarb command via:

module.exports = {
starknet: {
scarbCommand: "scarb" // or alternatively an exact path to the desired command

Request Timeout

Default requestTimeout is 30s. It can be changed using the following configuration. You may need to increase the timeout value in some situation (declaring large smart contract).

module.exports = {
starknet: {
requestTimeout: 90_000 // 90s


Prefer providing absolute paths when using the plugin. If a relative path is provided, it will be resolved relative to the root of the project.

module.exports = {
paths: {
// Defaults to "contracts" (the same as `paths.sources`).
starknetSources: "my-own-starknet-path",

// Defaults to "starknet-artifacts".
// Has to be different from the value set in `paths.artifacts` (which is used by core Hardhat and has a default value of `artifacts`).
starknetArtifacts: "also-my-own-starknet-path",

// Same purpose as the `--cairo-path` argument of the `starknet-compile-deprecated` command
// Allows specifying the locations of imported files, if necessary.
cairoPaths: ["my/own/cairo-path1", "also/my/own/cairo-path2"]

Runtime network

To set the network used in your Hardhat scripts/tests, use starknet["network"] or the --starknet-network CLI option. Not specifying one will default to using alpha-goerli. Do not confuse this network with Hardhat's default --network option which refers to the L1 network.

A faster approach is to use starknet-devnet, a Ganache-like local testnet.

module.exports = {
starknet: {
network: "myNetwork"
networks: {
devnet: { // this way you can also specify it with `--starknet-network devnet`
url: ""

Predefined networks include alpha-goerli, alpha-goerli2, alpha-mainnet and integrated-devnet.

Runtime network - Integrated Devnet

starknet-devnet is available out of the box as a starknet network called integrated-devnet. By default, it will spawn Devnet using its Docker image and listening on Target it via the hardhat config file or --starknet-network integrated-devnet. Using integrated-devnet makes forking of existing blockchains very easy.

By defining/modifying networks["integratedDevnet"] in your hardhat config file, you can specify:

  • the version of dockerized Devnet to use
  • a Python environment with installed starknet-devnet (can be active environment); this will avoid using the dockerized version
  • CLI arguments to be used on Devnet startup: options
  • where output should be flushed (either to the terminal or to a file).

Dockerized Integrated Devnet

Dockerized integrated-devnet is the default mode, but can be specified via the dockerizedVersion property of integratedDevnet:

  • the full image can be provided:
  • if just <TAG> is provided, it defaults to Pythonic Devnet

Integrated Devnet config example

module.exports = {
starknet: {
network: "integrated-devnet"
networks: {
integratedDevnet: {
url: "",

// venv: "active" <- for the active virtual environment with installed starknet-devnet
// venv: "path/to/venv" <- for env with installed starknet-devnet (created with e.g. `python -m venv path/to/venv`)
venv: "<VENV_PATH>",

// This section covers the VM selection in Pythonic Devnet (starknet-devnet): Python VM or Rust VM
// This is distinct from selecting between Pythonic Devnet and Rust Devnet, which can be done via `dockerizedVersion`
// vmLang: "python" <- use python vm (default value)
// vmLang: "rust" <- use rust vm
// (rust vm is available out of the box using dockerized integrated-devnet)
// (rustc and cairo-rs-py required using installed devnet)
// read more here :
vmLang: "<VM_LANG>",

// or use dockerized Devnet by specifying [IMAGE:]<TAG> (if IMAGE omitted - defaults to "shardlabs/starknet-devnet")
dockerizedVersion: "<DEVNET_VERSION>",
// dockerizedVersion: "shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<TAG>",
// dockerizedVersion: "shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs:<TAG>",

// optional devnet CLI arguments, read more here:
args: ["--gas-price", "2000000000", "--fork-network", "alpha-goerli"],

// stdout: "logs/stdout.log" <- dumps stdout to the file
stdout: "STDOUT", // <- logs stdout to the terminal
// stderr: "logs/stderr.log" <- dumps stderr to the file
stderr: "STDERR" // <- logs stderr to the terminal

Installing third-party libraries

If you want to install a third-party Cairo library and be able to import it in your Cairo files, use the following pattern:

With npm packages:

  1. Install (example package: influenceth__cairo_math_64x61@npm:@influenceth/cairo-math-64x61)
npm install --save-dev influenceth__cairo_math_64x61@npm:@influenceth/cairo-math-64x61
  1. Edit the paths.cairoPaths section of your hardhat.config file (docs):
paths: {
cairoPaths: ["./node_modules"];
  1. Import
from influenceth__cairo_math_64x61.contracts.Math64x61 import Math64x61_ONE, Math64x61_mul

With pip packages:

  1. Install (example package: openzeppelin-cairo-contracts)
pip install openzeppelin-cairo-contracts
  1. If you are installing in a virtual environment, edit the paths.cairoPaths section of your hardhat.config file (docs) as:
paths: {
// this directory contains the openzeppelin directory
cairoPaths: ["path/to/cairo_venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages"],
  1. Import
from openzeppelin.token.erc20.library import ERC20

With non-npm git repositories:

If you want to install directly from a git repo that doesn't contain package.json, you cannot use npm i. However, yarn supports this.

  1. Install (example package:
yarn add openzeppelin__cairo_contracts@git+

Using starknet.getContractFactory with third-party libraries

This paragraph assumes you've read and run 3rd party library installation. The example package used is so you may want to check non-npm git repos.

  1. Compile
$ npx hardhat starknet-compile-deprecated node_modules/openzeppelin__cairo_contracts/src/openzeppelin/token/erc20/presets/ERC20.cairo
  1. Get contract factory
const contractFactory = await starknet.getContractFactory(


Recompilation is performed when contracts are updated or when artifacts are missing. A file will be created with the name cairo-files-cache.json to handle caching. Recompilation is handled before the following CLI commands are executed.

This feature is only guaranteed to work with Cairo 0 contracts.

  • npx hardhat run
  • npx hardhat test

This feature is turned off by default and is specified in the hardhat.config.ts file.

module.exports = {
starknet: {
recompile: true // <- to switch recompilation on


In Starknet, an account is a contract through which you interact with other contracts. Its usage is exemplified earlier in the docs and in the example repo.

There are several Starknet account implementations; this plugin supports the following as properties of hre.starknet:

  • OpenZeppelinAccount - v0.5.1
  • ArgentAccount - Commit 780760e of branch develop.

Create account

import { starknet } from "hardhat";
const account = await starknet.OpenZeppelinAccount.createAccount();
const accountFromOptions = await starknet.OpenZeppelinAccount.createAccount({
salt: "0x123", // salt to always deploy to an expected address
privateKey: process.env.MY_KEY // the key only known to you, the public key will be inferred

Fund account

After creating the account, you need to fund it (give it some ETH):

If you're facing issues loading the account you've just funded, check out this issue.

Get balance

To find out the balance of your account on the current Starknet network, you can use starknet.getBalance:

import { starknet } from "hardhat";
const someBalance = starknet.getBalance("0x123...def")
const myAccount = ...;
const myAccountBalance = starknet.getBalance(myAccount.address);

Deploy account

After funding the account, you need to deploy it (in case of ArgentAccount, this will also take care of initialization):

await account.deployAccount({ maxFee: ... });

Alternatively deploy your account by running this script.

To successfully deploy ArgentAccount, the chain you are interacting with is expected to have ArgentAccount contracts declared. Alpha Goerli and Alpha Mainnet satisfy this criterion, but if you're working with Devnet, this is most easily achievable by running Devnet forked from e.g. Alpha Goerli.

Reuse account

To retrieve an already deployed Account, use the getAccountFromAddress method. Do not use this method for accounts deployed by e.g. Starknet CLI (those are modified OZ accounts that are not compatible with the OZ version supported by this plugin). What may be especially useful are predeployed+predefined accounts that come with Devnet (retrieve them with starknet.devnet.getPredeployedAccounts()).

const account = await starknet.OpenZeppelinAccount.getAccountFromAddress(

Interact through account

Use the invoke method of Account to invoke (change the state), but call method of StarknetContract to call (read the state).

await account.invoke(contract, "increase_balance", { amount });
const { res: amount } = await"get_balance");

Once your account is funded and deployed, you can specify a max fee greater than zero:

await account.invoke(contract, "foo", { arg1: ... }, { maxFee: BigInt(...) });

If you don't specify a maxFee, one will be calculated for you by applying an overhead of 50% to the result of fee estimation. You can also customize the overhead by providing a value for overhead:

// maxFee will be 40% of estimated fee; if overhead not provided, the default value is used.
await account.invoke(contract, "foo", { arg1: ... }, { overhead: 0.4 });

Set the rawInput option to true to suppress validation of the args passed to the contract function:

// pass a direct array
await account.invoke(contract, "foo", ["10", "20"], { rawInput: true });
await"bar", ["30", "40"], { rawInput: true });


You can also use the Account object to perform multi{invokes, fee estimations}.

const interactionArray = [
toContract: contract1,
functionName: "increase_balance",
calldata: { amount: 10n }
toContract: contract2,
functionName: "increase_balance",
calldata: { amount: 20n }
const fee = await account.multiEstimateFee(interactionArray);
const txHash = await account.multiInvoke(interactionArray);


Unlike OpenZeppelin account, Argent account offers guardian functionality. The guardian is by default not set (the guardian key is undefined), but if you want to change it, cast the account to ArgentAccount and execute setGuardian.

await argentAccount.setGuardian(process.env.GUARDIAN_PRIVATE_KEY, { maxFee: 1e18 });
// to unset it, use an undefined key
await argentAccount.setGuardian(undefined, { maxFee: 1e18 });

More examples

An example Hardhat project using this plugin can be found here.