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Installing the package adds the starknet-devnet command.

usage: starknet-devnet [-h] [-v] [--verbose] [--hide-server-logs]
[--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--load-path LOAD_PATH]
[--dump-path DUMP_PATH] [--dump-on DUMP_ON]
[--lite-mode] [--blocks-on-demand]
[--accounts ACCOUNTS]
[--initial-balance INITIAL_BALANCE] [--seed SEED]
[--start-time START_TIME] [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
[--allow-max-fee-zero] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--account-class ACCOUNT_CLASS]
[--fork-network FORK_NETWORK] [--fork-block FORK_BLOCK]
[--fork-retries FORK_RETRIES] [--chain-id CHAIN_ID]
[--cairo-compiler-manifest CAIRO_COMPILER_MANIFEST]
[--sierra-compiler-path SIERRA_COMPILER_PATH]
[--compiler-args COMPILER_ARGS]

Run a local instance of Starknet Devnet

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print the version
--verbose Show more verbose output. Has higher priority than
--hide-server-logs and --hide-predeployed-contracts
--hide-server-logs Hide server access logging
--host HOST Specify the address to listen at; defaults to (use the address the program outputs on
--port PORT, -p PORT Specify the port to listen at; defaults to 5050
--load-path LOAD_PATH
Specify the path from which the state is loaded on
--dump-path DUMP_PATH
Specify the path to dump to
--dump-on DUMP_ON Specify when to dump; can dump on: exit, transaction
--lite-mode Introduces speed-up by skipping block hash calculation
- applies sequential numbering instead (0x0, 0x1, 0x2,
--blocks-on-demand Block generation on demand via an endpoint.
--accounts ACCOUNTS Specify the number of accounts to be predeployed;
defaults to 10
Specify the initial balance of accounts to be
predeployed; defaults to 1e+21
--seed SEED Specify the seed for randomness of accounts to be
--hide-predeployed-contracts, --hide-predeployed-accounts
Prevents from printing the predeployed contracts
details. Argument --hide-predeployed-accounts is
--start-time START_TIME
Specify the start time of the genesis block in Unix
time seconds
--gas-price GAS_PRICE, -g GAS_PRICE
Specify the gas price in wei per gas unit; defaults to
--allow-max-fee-zero Allow transactions with max fee equal to zero
--timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
Specify the server timeout in seconds; defaults to 60
--account-class ACCOUNT_CLASS
Specify the account implementation to be used for
predeploying; should be a path to the compiled JSON
artifact; defaults to OpenZeppelin v1
--fork-network FORK_NETWORK
Specify the network to fork: can be a URL (e.g. or network name
(valid names: alpha-goerli, alpha-goerli2, alpha-
--fork-block FORK_BLOCK
Specify the block number where the --fork-network is
forked; defaults to latest
--fork-retries FORK_RETRIES
Specify the number of retries of failed HTTP requests
sent to the network before giving up; defaults to 1
--chain-id CHAIN_ID Specify the chain id as one of: {MAINNET, TESTNET,
TESTNET2}; defaults to TESTNET (0x534e5f474f45524c49)
Disable requests schema validation for RPC endpoints
Disable RPC schema validation for devnet responses
--cairo-compiler-manifest CAIRO_COMPILER_MANIFEST
Specify the path to the manifest (Cargo.toml) of the
Cairo 1.0 compiler to be used for contract
recompilation; if omitted, the default x86-compatible
compiler (from cairo-lang package) is used
--sierra-compiler-path SIERRA_COMPILER_PATH
Specify the path to the binary executable of starknet-
--compiler-args COMPILER_ARGS
Specify the CLI args used internally by the Cairo 1.0
compiler for recompiling. Provide them as a single
space-separated string. No validation is done on the
arguments on Devnet startup, only when they are put to
use. Defaults to '--add-pythonic-hints'

You can run starknet-devnet in a separate shell, or you can run it in background with starknet-devnet &. Check that it's alive by running the following (address and port my vary if you specified a different one with --host or --port):


Run with Docker

Devnet is available as a Docker image shardlabs/starknet-devnet (Docker Hub link). Fetch it by running:

docker pull shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<TAG>

Versions and Tags

Devnet versions, as tracked on PyPI, are also the tags for the corresponding images:

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<VERSION>

The latest stable version is also available as:

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:latest

Commits to the master branch of this repository are mostly available as images tagged with their commit hash (the full 40-hex-digits SHA1 digest):

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<COMMIT_HASH>

The last commit is also a candidate for the next release, so it is available as:

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:next

So far, all listed tags referred to images built for the linux/amd64 architecture. To use arm64-compatible images, append -arm to the tag. E.g.:

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<VERSION>-arm
  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:latest-arm

By appending the -seed0 suffix, you can use images which predeploy funded accounts with --seed 0, thus always deploying the same set of accounts. E.g.:

  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<VERSION>-seed0
  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:latest-seed0
  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:next-seed0
  • shardlabs/starknet-devnet:<VERSION>-arm-seed0

Container port publishing


If on a Linux host machine, you can use --network host. This way, the port used internally by the container is also available on your host machine. The --port option also has effect.

docker run --network host shardlabs/starknet-devnet [--port <PORT>]

Mac, Windows

If not on Linux, you need to publish the container's internally used port to a desired <PORT> on your host machine. The internal port is 5050 by default (can be overridden with --port).

docker run -p [HOST:]<PORT>:5050 shardlabs/starknet-devnet

E.g. if you want to use your host machine's, you need to run:

docker run -p shardlabs/starknet-devnet

You may ignore any address-related output logged on container startup (e.g. Running on all addresses or Running on What you will use is what you specified with the -p argument.

If you don't specify the HOST part, the server will indeed be available on all of your host machine's addresses (localhost, local network IP, etc.), which may present a security issue if you don't want anyone from the local network to access your Devnet instance.

Run with the Rust implementation of Cairo VM

By default, Devnet uses the Python implementation of Cairo VM.

Using the Rust implementation brings improvement for Cairo-VM-intensive operations, but introduces its own overhead, so it may not be useful for simple contracts.

You can enable it by following these steps:

  1. Install compilers

Make sure you have gcc, g++ and Rust.

  1. Install cairo-rs-py in the same environment as Devnet:
$ pip install cairo-rs-py
$ STARKNET_DEVNET_CAIRO_VM=rust starknet-devnet

With Docker, use -e:

$ docker run -it [OPTIONS] -e STARKNET_DEVNET_CAIRO_VM=rust shardlabs/starknet-devnet [ARGS]

To use the Python VM, unset the variable or set it to python

$ STARKNET_DEVNET_CAIRO_VM=python starknet-devnet