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Both Starknet's and Devnet's JSON-RPC API are reachable at /rpc and /. E.g. if spawning Devnet with default settings, these URLs are functionally equivalent: and The difference between these two groups of methods is their prefix: starknet_ (e.g. starknet_getNonce) and devnet_ (e.g. devnet_mint).

Starknet API

Unlike Pythonic Devnet, which also supported Starknet's gateway and feeder gateway API, Devnet in Rust supports Starknet's JSON-RPC API. Since JSON-RPC v0.6.0, to find out which JSON-RPC version is supported by which Devnet version, check out the releases page.

Devnet API

Devnet has many additional features which are available via their own endpoints and JSON-RPC, which are all mentioned throughout the documentation.

Interacting with Devnet in JavaScript and TypeScript

To interact with Devnet using the Devnet API, you can use starknet-devnet-js. This can be especially useful in achieving L1-L2 communication.

To interact with Devnet usings the Starknet API, use starknet.js.

Config API

To retrieve the current configuration of Devnet, send a GET request to /config or JSON-RPC request with method name devnet_getConfig. Example response is attached below. It can be interpreted as a JSON mapping of CLI input parameters, both specified and default ones, with some irrelevant parameters omitted. So use starknet-devnet --help to better understand the meaning of each value, though keep in mind that some of the parameters have slightly modified names.

"seed": 4063802897,
"total_accounts": 10,
"account_contract_class_hash": "0x61dac032f228abef9c6626f995015233097ae253a7f72d68552db02f2971b8f",
"predeployed_accounts_initial_balance": "1000000000000000000000",
"start_time": null,
"gas_price_wei": 100000000000,
"gas_price_strk": 100000000000,
"data_gas_price_wei": 100000000000,
"data_gas_price_strk": 100000000000,
"chain_id": "SN_SEPOLIA",
"dump_on": "exit",
"dump_path": "dump_path.json",
"state_archive": "none",
"fork_config": {
"url": "",
"block_number": 26429
"server_config": {
"host": "",
"port": 5050,
"timeout": 120,
"request_body_size_limit": 2000000
"block_generation": null,
"lite_mode": false