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Version: 0.0.6

Dump, load, restart


To preserve your Devnet instance for future use, these are the options:

  • Dumping on exit (handles Ctrl+C, i.e. SIGINT; doesn't handle SIGKILL):
$ starknet-devnet --dump-on exit --dump-path <PATH>
  • Dumping after each block:
$ starknet-devnet --dump-on block --dump-path <PATH>
  • Dumping on request requires providing --dump-on mode on the startup. Example usage in exit mode (replace <HOST>, <PORT> and <PATH> with your own):
$ starknet-devnet --dump-on exit --dump-path <PATH>
$ curl -X POST http://<HOST>:<PORT>/dump -d '{ "path": <PATH> }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"


To load a preserved Devnet instance, the options are:

  • Loading on startup (note the argument name is not --load-path as it was in Devnet-py):
$ starknet-devnet --dump-path <PATH>
  • Loading on request:
curl -X POST http://<HOST>:<PORT>/load -d '{ "path": <PATH> }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Currently, dumping produces a list of received transactions that is stored on disk. Conversely, loading is implemented as the re-execution of transactions from a dump. This means that timestamps of StarknetBlock will be different on each load.

Loading disclaimer

Dumping and loading are not guaranteed to work across versions. I.e. if you dumped one version of Devnet, do not expect it to be loadable with a different version.

If you dumped a Devnet utilizing one class for account predeployment (e.g. --account-class cairo0), you should use the same option when loading. The same applies for dumping a Devnet in --blocks-on-demand mode.


Devnet can be restarted by making a POST /restart request (no body required). All of the deployed contracts (including predeployed), blocks and storage updates will be restarted to the original state, without the transactions and requests that may have been loaded from a dump file on startup.

If you're using the Hardhat plugin, restart with starknet.devnet.restart().


To enable dumping and loading with dockerized Devnet, you must bind the container path to the path on your host machine.

This example:

  • Relies on Docker bind mount; try Docker volume instead.
  • Assumes that /path/to/dumpdir exists. If unsure, use absolute paths.
  • Assumes you are listening on

If there is mydump inside /path/to/dumpdir, you can load it with:

docker run \
-p \
--mount type=bind,source=/path/to/dumpdir,target=/path/to/dumpdir \
shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs \
--dump-path /path/to/dumpdir/mydump

To dump to /path/to/dumpdir/mydump on Devnet shutdown, run:

docker run \
-p \
--mount type=bind,source=/path/to/dumpdir,target=/path/to/dumpdir \
shardlabs/starknet-devnet-rs \
--dump-on exit --dump-path /path/to/dumpdir/mydump